September 12, 2010

Some New Social Networking Infrastructure

I'm a long time Facebook and LinkedIn user but as part of my involvement in developing Cazcade I've had to get my feet wet with Twitter.

I've been running FlipBoard for a while and I've found an outlet for sharing what I find on it by adding my Twitter account. I've now joined my blog to my Twitter account by using TwitterFeed and this post will test the whole process.

Twittering is very addictive and I suspect that I will begin to make more and more use of Twitter both to publish and consume content. Certainly Twitter together with FlipBoard makes consumption entirely easy and pleasurable. I'm very keen to bring together a number of my favourite RSS feeds in one place and read them in FlipBoard which has yet to have direct RSS support so TwitterFeed will be further utilised to aggregate them into one Twitter account.

What's interesting to me is how Cazcade fits into all of this. FlipBoard provides a brilliant mechanism for consuming and re-tweeting individual pieces of information. The limitation is that this is a piecemeal mechanism, you can only present one piece of information at a time. Cazcade's analogy by contrast allows you to accumulate various sources (web pages, videos, images and Twitter) into pools and present the information as a wider vision or argument and then pass them on via Twitter.

Cazcade is attempting to provide a mechanism above and beyond the current transient social network conversations.

The question I am asking myself is whether this will meet an unsatisfied need. Only time will tell.

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