September 20, 2010

Forays into the HTML5 stack.

While working on Cazcade with Neil, Dan C., Jon et al I'm also working on my own little project - DiarWise. It's still pretty stealth so I'm not going to discuss it in detail on an open forum but I think that now is a good time to discuss some of the technology that I've been using.

For DiarWise I've been looking at a much more rich UI experience highly interactive and completely resolution independent. I wanted to be able to create a UI that would be equally renderable on a smartphone, a tablet and a PC without extensive customisation for each. I also wanted a UI that would would be able to interact well with the browser event models for mouse and multi-touch.

I've been focussing on SVG embedded in HTML over the HTML 5 Canvas element for a number of reasons:
  • It is significantly more mature as a specification than the HTML 5 Canvas element.
  • The HTML 5 canvas element is procedural in its rendering so with a command it renders pixels directly to screen and so does not have a screen graph; the SVG xml elements are the scene graph and are embedded directly in the DOM and so are manipulable using all the tricks that we are familiar with. This also means that a lot of the heavy lifting for re-drawing is done for us.
  • Text is more of a first class citizen in SVG and so is easier to make available to Accessible browsers.
  • SVG graphics elements are style-able using CSS.
  • HTML can also be embedded back into SVG (and manipulated via the DOM) using the foreignObject element
There are a few weaknesses as I've discovered as I've worked with it.
  • The default SVG animation framework is built around the SMIL standard which is pretty low level and is not always the easiest to work with though it is very powerful. I'm intending to see how well SVG interacts with the CSS3 animation effects which are much nicer to work with.
  • SVG support is present in the latest iteration of all the browsers but is patchy to say the least. The best of the moment is the WebKit family, Firefox is the next best though it has big issues with the text rendering. IE9 claims to be a huge step forwards over IE8 but I have yet to try out the beta and there are question marks over how well it will support SVG animation.
  • While its text support is good there is one glaring omission - word wrap. The neatest work-around is to embed an appropriate HTML element in the SVG using foreignObject.
The best trick I've found so far with SVG is the simplicity of decoupling the screen resolution from the render resolution and this cascades down to any embedded HTML elements. The 'svg' element defines a local coordinate space for all its contents and you can override the coordinate system using the viewBox attribute. This means that all embedded elements can be positioned and sized relative to each other in terms of local 'pixels' and the SVG renderer will scale according to the screen resolution. The handles aspect ratios elegantly using the preserveAspectRatio attribute. This gives you the ability to present a consistent interface in a wide range of resolutions and can handle pan and zoom exceedingly smoothly for people with limited eyesight.

So far my grand experiment with SVG is going well and it seems to be well worth using as one of the technologies that make up the HTML 5 stack.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bob,

Always nice to follow what you are up to...since you are entering the world of SN then this might be of interest.

Keep us posted about DiarWise and I would love to know who did the logo and site design for Cazcade?


- Ian Hannaford

flash to html5 converter said...

Thanks for sharing your info. I really appreciate your efforts and I will be waiting for your further write ups thanks once again.