May 31, 2006

More on Threads and Parallelisation

Two posts in as many days - a brand new record for me.

I talked a little while ago about the future of programming being parallel / multi-core: Good Threaded Code.

Trawling through the one of my favourite web sites I came upon this piece: The Register: Deconstructing databases with Jim Gray. The title is a little misleading, as Mr. Gray actually spends more time talking about the use of GPUs for massively parallel processing and the future of programming in such an environment. He mentions that a common language called 'Accelerator' is already being defined for programming GPUs for parallel processing within a Microsoft environment. Now what I want to know is whether there is similar functionality available for Java? If there isn't I suppose that we'll need to start something in this area.

I want to be able to implement this algorithm and see how well we can get it accelerated: Bitonic Sort.

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