February 11, 2005

J2EE misconceptions - Part 1 (of quite a few actually).

On every project I never fail to be surprised at how little supposedly experienced J2EE developers actually know. This week I found myself asking team members if they actually had read the EJB specification and the answer came back a resounding 'No!'.

It seems that all too often when people are learning J2EE and EJBs in particular, they go and look at the specifications with a beginner's eye and form the impression that the specification documents are dense and impenetrable. They never go back with a more experienced eye and have another go. When I went back and re-read the specifications half way through my first J2EE project I suddenly realised that they were really useful and were packed full of vital information that allowed me to treat J2EE more as a science than as the black art practiced by so many.

The misconception that I want to address with this post is around Container Managed Transactions (CMTs). Let me ask you a question and please be sure what you think your answer is before you move on.

In what circumstances do CMTs roll back?

Take a second or two.

The answer that I usually get is: 'When an exception is thrown.'

Trouble is, the answer is sort of wrong.

The correct answer is: 'When an unchecked exception is thrown out of the transaction context or when EjbContext.setRollbackOnly() is called.'

What many of the developers I talk to fail to realise is that checked exceptions do not roll the transaction back.

So did you get the right answer?


Anonymous said...

Checked exceptions do rollback transactions, if they are instances of RemoteException.

Meeraj :-)

Anonymous said...

Checked exceptions do rollback transactions, if they are instances of remote exceptions.

Meeraj :-)