January 13, 2008

The Death of my Great Great Grandfather. (4/8)

With this posting it is revealed that Corrientes is in fact the province where the murders occurred so I've retitled the posts to date. I believe that this confusion is due to the high rate of immigration and settlement leading to some difficulties in administrating the country.

From the Buenos Aires Standard, April 21st, 1881.

The Murder of Messrs. Macdonald & Guthrie

President Roca received yesterday the following answer to his telegram to the Governor of Entre Rios, which we published yesterday. It appears, however, that the scene of the horrible crime 'Naranjito', is in Corrientes, and not in Entre Rios, and the President despatched yesterday an energetic telegram to the Governor, who will certainly do his utmost to catch the assassins.


To the Most Excellent President of the Republic.

I have this moment received your Excellency's telegram, which has astounded me, as up to this hour I have no news whatever of the murder of any British subjects in any part of this Province. I do not know either of any placein the Province of Entre Rios called Naranjito but there is a place so called in Corrientes, near the frontier.

Nevertheless, I will enquire at once, and if unfortunately this crime has been committed in the Province, I will set the police on the track of the criminals and have them judged with all the rigour of the law.

Your Excellency may rely on this: to-day I have dismissed from his post a Gefe Polítice for not having reported to the Government the murder of a Spanish subject.

José J. Autelo,

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