October 09, 2004

A Little Bit More About Me

I've defined myself in three ways so far, these three ways are probably the most visible, public definitions. I feel that they define only the most public aspects of me and as such are quite shallow definitions.

Deeper definitions come from what I like to do with my spare time and what I believe.

Hmm... Where to start?

Probably with what I do in my spare time.

I do spend a chunk of time playing computer games, primarily Space Sims, Adventure and RPG. My all time favourite game would have to be Ultima 7 and all its expansions, closely followed by Ultima Underworld I & II and by System Shock I & II. Deus Ex also sticks in my memory. As a guilty pleasure, Dungeon Siege ate an awful lot of my spare time.

Aside from that I love poetry, I particularly enjoy G.K. Chesterton's poems, 'Lepanto', 'The Deluge', 'Elegy in a Country Churchyard' or 'The Rolling English Road'. I think that Andrew Marvell's 'To His Coy Mistress' is the height of genius and I even learnt it (for much the same reason that he wrote it.).

Cars have long been a passion, but that is rather on a back burner. I can be described as having champagne tastes on a beer budget, so until I have enough spare cash I'll leave well enough alone.

Cooking is my major stress relief. At home when I was growing up I was able to draw on both British and Argentine cuisines and since then I have developed into an experimental cook with good results. Last week I got back from a cooking holiday in Tuscany with Tasting Places, highly recommended. My favourite cuisines are probably Argentine, British, Italian, Thai and Chinese.

Celtic knotwork is a long time hobby, it is immensely therapeutic and challenging, I'll post an example of my work after this entry.

I read voraciously, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller and History are topics that are well represented on my book cases.

I have just taken up kite flying, power kites mainly.

This will do as a summary, next time I will talk about my beliefs

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